How I finally cleared up my teenage sons’ acne
Now, here’s a true story about what was happening to my two teenage sons who were breaking out with acne on their hairlines. After many visits to the dermatologist and using acne cream prescriptions, we learned that their hair products were causing this acne. Who would have thought that? My sons wash their hair every day and were using styling gel afterward. The dermatologist explained that, when my sons played sports and sweated, their hair gel seeped into their skin and caused them to breakout all along their hairlines. This happened because their hair gel had ingredients, including sulfates, parabens, and certain oils that clogged their pores. We learned that this type of acne is called pomade acne because it’s often caused by ingredients in pomade or other hair styling products since the products remain in your hair and then touch your skin. Accordingly, pomade acne can develop on the forehead, back, chest, and other places where your hair touches. We tried various hair styling products that eliminated some of the harmful ingredients, but none of them cleared up my sons’ acne. So what did we do? We took matters into our own hands and worked with a lab to forumlate our own products, and after using them for just a short period, my sons’ acne cleared up! This success caused us to create the TEENOLOGY line of hair and body care products as a solution for anyone suffering from this problem. In fact, when we created TEENOLOGY, the styling cream was the first product we made, and it was the inspiration for the rest of the line, which now includes shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and hair detangler. My boys have become loyal TEENOLOGY users because they truly love that it makes their hair AND skin look great. I’ve seen their confidence improve, and come on, how cool is it that your hair can look good while you sweat and you don’t have to worry about your skin breaking out? Very cool. Here’s to healthy hair and skin!