5 Game-Changing Things You Should Know About Acne
June is National Acne Awareness Month! Throughout the United States, there are a lot of misconceptions around acne, such as what causes it and how to actually address this stubborn skin condition.
I sat down with some of the skin care specialists at TEENOLOGY® to get their thoughts on what everyone should know about acne. They not only shared some must-know acne facts and statistics, but a few little-known tips and tricks on how to effectively ward off frequent breakouts.
5 Game-Changing Things You Should Know About Acne
1. Acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S.
When it comes to suffering from acne, just know you’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), acne affects around 50 million Americans in the United States and approximately 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 experience at least minor acne.
This means, if you’re experiencing an acne breakout, there’s a good chance many people around you are too. For some, this thought can be reassuring and can help improve their self-esteem when blemishes pop up.
2. Acne has many causes.
Most dermatologists agree that the primary cause of acne is clogged pores, but what causes the clogged pores that trigger acne breakouts? This is where things get a bit tricky.
Skin care experts point to four causes of clogged pores:
- Hormonal Changes – Shifts in your hormonal balance, such as during puberty or menstrual cycles, can stimulate the overproduction of sebum (your skin’s natural oil), which clogs pores.
- Genetics – According to Acne.org, if one or both of your parents had acne, you are more likely to suffer with it as well. However, the genes that cause acne are still unknown.
- Stress – Mental and physical stress can affect hormones in the body, and may lead to more acne. This is why it’s important to implement stress management techniques on an everyday basis.
- Comedogenic Products – There are several different ingredients in hair and skin care products that can clog pores and cause acne, particularly sulfates, parabens, and certain oils. (Hint: all the TEENOLOGY® hair and skin care products are non-comedogenic!)
3. Acne can occur at any age.
According to the AAD, acne can occur at any stage of life and may continue into one’s 30s and 40s. In fact, acne occurring in adults is increasing, affecting up to 15 percent of women.
However, while acne is on the rise among adults, it is still far more likely to experience acne as a preteen, teenager, and young adult. This is because your hormones can be out of whack, triggering the increase of oil production in the skin, which can clog pores.
4. There are several different types of acne.
Acne can show up on the skin in several different forms. This includes whiteheads, blackheads, papules, nodules, cystic acne, scalp acne, pomade acne, and more.
At TEENOLOGY®, we’re very familiar with pomade acne, as most of the time, this type is caused by comedogenic hair, and skin care products. We’ve made it our mission to create high-quality products that reduce the frequency and severity of pomade acne.
5. There is no cure for acne, only acne management.
This is not something many people like to hear… but it’s true. There is no cure for acne (especially since researchers don’t know its exact cause). Instead, there are only steps you can take to better manage your acne and reduce the frequency of breakouts.
These steps may include:
- Maintaining an optimal hormonal balance through adequate sleep, stress management, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, as well as medication and supplement recommendations from your doctor.
- Using OTC acne treatment products containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acne, and alpha hydroxy-acids (AHAs).
- Swapping out your hair and skin care products for non-comedogenic alternatives. Additionally, we recommend going a step further and finding products without sulfates and parabens, as these ingredients can irritate the skin and affect your hormonal balance.
- Consulting with a board-certified dermatologist for a personalized acne treatment, which may include prescription topicals, oral medication, light therapy, and more.
Swap Out Your Acne-Causing Hair and Skin Care Products for TEENOLOGY®
If you regularly experience acne breakouts, your hair and skin care products might be playing a role! We recommend you swap your regular shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and face products for something more skin-friendly, such as the high-quality hair and skin care products from TEENOLOGY®.
Free of harmful sulfates, parabens, and pore-clogging oils, TEENOLOGY® is great for preteens, teenagers, and adults alike who experience frequent acne breakouts. Browse their shampoos, conditioners, body wash, hair detangler, and face products today.
Here's to happy and healthy hair and skin!